Raptor Mining’s 4-Year Journey

Raptor Mining’s 4-Year Journey

An Extensive Look into Raptor Mining’s 4-Year Journey to Becoming the First Mercury Recovery Plant in Honduras.

From birth the instinct moves us forward. 4 years ago we traveled to Honduras. We visited a place called El Corpus, where artisanal mining is carried out. It is here that our great story begins. We started investing. Taking samples to calculate the danger that the miner and others living in this municipality, are being exposed to. What we found led us on a mission to recover toxic mercury and revolutionize the mining industry with a health conscious approach.

Raptor Mining’s objective is to create a positive change by reinventing the process of mining and to extend the life of the environment and the people who live there, in a matter which does not compromise the lifestyle and cultural sensibilities of their lives.

Learn more about our success and the construction of the very first mercury recovery plant in Honduras.